The Apache web server comes with the Solaris 10 operating system but needs some configuration before it can be used. These steps can assist you in getting Apache up and running….
Step 1
Log in as the root user, or another user with root privileges.
Step 2: Check the current status of Apache
svcs -a | grep -i http
This will most likely show the status as disabled
disabled 15:28:56 svc:/network/http:apache2
Step 3: Create the httpd.conf file
cp /etc/apache2/httpd.conf-example /etc/apache2/httpd.conf
Step 4: Edit httpd.conf
cd /etc/apache2
vi httpd.conf
Locate “### Section 2: ‘Main server configuration”
Ensure that the following are correctly set:
- User nobody
- Group nobody
- ServerAdmin <email for Apache administrator>
- DocumentRoot <where the documents will be served from>, i.e. “/usr/apache/htdocs”
- <Directory …> same as Document root i.e. <Directory “/usr/apache/htdocs”>
Step 5: Save the file
<esc> :wq
Step 6: Enable Apache
svcadm enable svc:/network/http:apache2
Step 7: Check that Apache is online
svcs -a | grep -i http
online 15:40:31 svc:/network/http:apache2
Step 8: Test that Apache is serving the content correctly
Through a web browser, visit http://<name of your server>.
The test page for Apache should be displayed.
Step 9: Upload your content
You can now upload the content you wish to display.
I tend to upload this to a folder under another account via FTP and then copy the files to the /usr/apache/htdocs directory. This is because my root account is not allowed to connect via FTP as a security measure.
If you need to restart Apache:
svcadm restart apache2
If you need to disable Apache:
svcadm disable svc:/network/http:apache2
If the status of Apache is shown as maintenance then check that the httpd.conf file is located correctly in /etc/apache2
maintenance 15:28:56 svc:/network/http:apache2
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