Just a short post to say thank you to those who have taken the time to visit my blog, I have now just passed 10,000 views which I find quite amazing!
It is interesting to look over some of the stats for the past few years…
Country most visited from is India followed by United States for both 2015 and 2014 with Russia beating the United Kingdom into third place over the same period. Countries with the fewest visitors this year include Laos, Gabon, Cuba, Brunei and Tanzania.
My most read post in 2015 so far has been ORA-00333: redo log read error block xxxx count xxxx by a significant margin – over 1700 views compared to the second most popular article (ORA-29280 invalid directory path) with just over 300 views!
The blog posted in 2015 with the most views so far is SQLTools: oci8 cannot allocate oci handle when starting but it shows that some issues I blogged about a few years ago are still occurring for many people years later.
If there is anything that you think I can add to this blog then please leave a comment below and I’ll take a look – any issues that are causing you a headache and maybe others or if you have found a solution/work around for something that may help others, please let me know.
Thanks again for looking! 🙂