While looking for a method to generate some logging in a Powershell script to aid debugging I came across several suggestions…
#Method 01 - appends contents $LogFile ="C:\PsTools\Method01.log" $DateTime = Get-Date Write-Output $DateTime "Performing some operation" | Add-Content $LogFile #Method 02 - appends contents Add-Content "C:\PsTools\Method02.log" "Performing some operation" #Method 03 - overwrites existing contents Write-Output "Performing some operation" | Out-File -FilePath "C:\PsTools\Method03.log" #optionally applying -Append will ensure existing file contents are retained #Method 04 - overwrites existing contents Write-Output "Performing some operation" | Set-Content "C:\PsTools\Method04.log"
I have opted to use the first method but appreciate that each method may be more suitable to a particular situation, it always pays to have more than one way to solve a problem!
If you have any further examples of writing to a text file then please feel free to leave a comment below.
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