Category: 04 – Research Skills

  • What is meant by “Ethics in Computing”?

    How do we use a computer to collect, analyse or process data? Data collection was covered in previous posts, such as: Collecting Data and Information – Questionnaires Internet or Intranet surveys Pilot Testing Gathering data appropriately is one aspect of ethics in computing but how we then use that information (via software, applications, packages) is…

  • Standing Ethics Panel

    Consists of number of senior academic staff with research experience. RDI have three independent people not involved with project (not supervisor or tutor on project) review project. Three people appointed by Chair of Research Degrees Committee. One nominated as Chair of Panel – decision notified to student and supervisor. Proposal may rejected by panel who…

  • The Approval Process

    Final year project considered by due process – including ethics committee reviewing projects ensuring they operate within acceptable boundaries. Student agrees objectives & methodology with supervisor. Then submit Dissertation Approval Form (including ethical evaluation) to module leader. Risk then assessed. Most projects fall into minimal or low risk category – module leader approves outline &…

  • Local Aspects of Ethics

    Some things are perfectly acceptable in some countries yet disapproved of, or are illegal, in other countries. Example: internet gambling – need to consider ethic and legal aspects.

  • Group interviews

    One-to-one interviews useful but group meetings can be more productive. Main advantage – collective views used to explain group reactions to new product, interface or application prior to releasing to market.

  • Literature Review

    Rhetorical Functions Illustrates importance and need for project Justifies methodical (methodological?) choices Demonstrates familiarity with subject Should Flesh out background of study Critical assessment of area of study Establish need for current and future research projects Tips Categorise literature into topic clusters Find relevant positions regarding project Build on conclusions leading to project Demonstrate where…

  • Research Question(s)

    Guiding questions Specific objective 1 Specific objective 2 Start with asking words: who, what, when, where, why, how & how much Should be a question that one could ask someone

  • Methodology

    Overall approach What approaches are there? How does the approach fit the research design? Methods of data collection Methods of analysis and interpretation What data will be collected and how? Qualitative or quantitative, or mixture or both Triangulation of results Techniques: questionnaires, interviews; support both with academic reasoning Weaknesses with planned approach – how to…

  • Interviews

    One of most important ways to obtain information. Important to note: Interviewing is a skill. Interviewers will have varying degrees of ability. Interviewing skills can be learnt & developed. Respondents differ in motivation and knowledge. Interviews differ in complexity. Subjective process, to be effective must involve people who communicate effectively both verbally and non-verbally. Can…

  • Focus groups

    One-to-one interviews useful in gaining information but group meetings can be more productive. Main advantage – collective views used to explain group reactions to particular situation/event. Difficulty in ensuring information gathered is not just from smaller, more vocal minority of group which is not representative of whole group. Limitations of focus groups Less control over…