Category: Learning

  • The Black Box Approach

    Black box concept – what happens inside not of initial interest. Input(s) and output(s) are of concern. Box represents a process. Initial idea can be developed further by breaking down into further sub-systems with their own inputs & outputs. Easy to go wrong with complex systems if deductive logic not followed.

  • Envisioning our Systems of interest – Boundary and Environment

    Start by naming system, define it closely and well to ensure its extent and its capabilities and limits are known and clear to those discussing it. Boundary determines what is include and what is left out. Specify beginning and end, too small a boundary results in important items being left out. Noteworthy items put  outside…

  • Do Systems Exist?

    First question is – do systems exist. The answer is yes and no. Key point to understand about Systems Thinking – provides set of concepts and techniques to analyse situations. Can be used in number of situations analyse existing situations situations that are not systems but insights can be gained Fundamentally, system is set of…

  • Type of Systems Introduction

    Systems described as one of: Probabilistic System Affected by chance events Future behaviour of system is matter of probability E.g. political systems, business systems and social systems Deterministic System Operate to predetermined set of rules E.g. data processing systems and the planetary system Software and networks are deterministic systems implemented in probabilistic systems (e.g. businesses)…

  • Open, Closed and Isolated systems

    At a high level, systems are classified as Open or Closed. Closed Systems (also known as isolated systems in thermodynamics – see further below) No interaction outside of the system No interaction with the systems environment Receive no inputs from, or provide no outputs to, the environment Closed systems with outputs are knowable only through its…

  • The whole system design paradigm

    Whole system design incorporates sustainable design – design and development of systems to achieve: Consume natural resources within capacity for them to be regenerated Do not release/produce hazardous/polluting substances Avoid contributing to irreversible impacts on ecosystem Provide useful and socially acceptable benefits long term Cost-effective and produce reasonable rate of return on total life-cycle investment.…

  • Importance for sustainability 

    There is a good quote from the EPA website which can be accessed directly from here info.htm Sustainability – issue of concerns about social, environmental and economic consequences of rapid population growth, economic growth and resulting consumption of natural resources. Growth has been spurred by reductionist approach to development and scientific progress. Focused on…

  • Systems are important 

    The events reported on daily are parts of larger trends which are indicators of underlaying system structures. With that in mind, we are then able to manage, and live within, a world full of complex systems. Systems & sustainability A systems view becomes more important as we produce viable ways of dealing with societies and…

  • Systems Introduction 

    Two approaches to systems understanding are: Reductionist- breaking problems into smaller pieces, and Holistic – the idea that the whole is more than merely the sum of its parts Systems thinking Process of understanding systems requires us to think in a systems manner Ability to think in terms of whole systems Software developers, and similar…

  • Introduction to computer forensics and investigations

    This post was republished to Triathlon John at 17:51:12 17/12/2014 Introduction to computer forensics and investigations These are my notes from the course provided by OpenLearn, they are not intended to provide guidance in a work environment and I accept no responsibility for how these are used – they are simply my notes made from…